In this investigation the abiotic and biotic factors of the rocky shores were measured using the line transect technique, and prior to setting up the transect the shore was throughly surveyed for it's geographical features. The abiotic factors that were collected included temperature, wave frequency, wind direction, aspect, and light intensity. After the abiotic factors were collected seven quadrats were placed along the line transect and the biotic factors of each quadrat was collected. The collected biotic factor include crabs, periwinkle, barnacles, and knobbed snails, and the distribution of these organisms could be greatly impacted by human disturbances including a pathway built on the rocky shore, as well as a few visible fishing boats docked in the vicinity.
Table 1: Abiotic Factors Rocky Shore (Green Turtle) |
Graph 1: Biotic Factors Rocky Shore (Green Turtles) |
The abundance of each organism was modeled using the kite diagram. In this part of the investigation seven quadrat was laid down the line transect facing the rocky shore. According to this data there was a abundance in sedentary animals such as barnacles, periwinkles, and knobbed snails, which heavily populate the rocky shore, conversely there is a scarcity in motile animals such as the crab. The explanation for this distribution is because sedentary animals are stationary and exposed to predator with minimum protection, therefore more offsprings are produced during reproduction to ensure survival of the particular organism. On the other hand there is a scarcity in motile animals because they relie on factors such as evasiveness and camouflage hide from predator, so it is harder to detect these organisms. In conclusion the distribution of organism in the rocky shore vary greatly and could be explained using both abiotic and biotic factors.