
Monday, October 3, 2011

Homeoopathy a Miracle Medicine or a Fraud

Homeopathy is a amazing style therapeutic treatment for the human body, what that amazes me in homeopathy is that we are able to take sample of solution that may be harmful when highly concentrated, but if we diluted the solution over and over again it could become medicine. But although the pioneers of homeopathy and their patient agree that homeopathy is medicine I strongly agree because the reason Homeopathy could cure a patient could be due to the "Placebo effect" where the feeling that homeopathy is a medicine and will work would contribute to the recovery of the patient. Also the method of homeopathy could is somewhat suspicious to me because according to homeopathy if I take a swimming pool and fill it with a certain solution and I dilute this solution over and over again it will soon become priceless medicine, so I think that homeopathy is a fraud and until there is a real prove that it works my perceptive on homeopathy would remain as it is now.